


I’m available for mixing and mastering work.


Single track: € 63,-
Two and more tracks: € 55,- p. t.

€ 200,- per track mixed and mastered

reasonable revisions are always free. Please be 100% sure about your mix though before sending your track.
If you go back and drastically change your mix before a revision, I will have to charge you again to make up for the extra work.

Monitoring/Conversion: Merging Anubis, Trinnov ST2 Pro, ATC SCM-20 monitors, Audeze LCD-3 and Slate VSX headphones.
Analog loop: Overstayer M-A-S, API 5500 EQ, Thermionic The Phoenix Mastering Compressor, Dangerous Music BAX EQ.
My studio is acoustically treated with products by Hofa and GIK Acoustics.

The finished files are delivered via Wetransfer or Dropbox, usually within a week of receiving your tracks.

Selected clients:
Artists: Surgeon, Monolake, Electric Indigo, Kenji Araki, Antti Tolvi, Pita, Euroteuro, Antonia XM, The Boiler, Pauls Jets, Bruch, Subletvis, John-Robin Bold.
Labels: Editions Mego, Mille Plateaux/Force Inc., Siluh, Ventil, Ashida Park, Staatsakt.